Dr. Young-Heon Jo working on a joint paper with MEL/XMU colleagues

Dr. Young-Heon Jo, research scientist of Oceanography Program at CMES visited the State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science / XMU (MEL) on April 5-8, and met with his colleague Prof. Xiao-Hai Yan, Lighthipe Chair Professor of Oceanography Program at CMES at the same time.

A round table discussion was held in the morning of April 6. Profs. Minhan Dai, Shaoling Shang, Weidong Zhai (represented by Prof. Dai), and PhD candidate Qian Li from MEL, Xiamen University, together with Prof. Xiao-Hai Yan joined the discussion. The main purpose of this discussion is for preparing a joint paper on remote sensing determination of pCO2 in SCS, and for further collaborations on this important research topic.

In the afternoon of April 6 and on April 7, Dr. Jo was met by Prof. Jianyu Hu, Drs. Yuwu Jiang and Wenzhou Zhang, Prof. Shaoling Shang, Dr. Guizhi Wang, and their students. Like his former PhD advisor Prof. Xiao-Hai Yan said, Dr. Jo is pretty versatile, his knowledge and vision surely will do good to our faculty and students through these communications and collaborations.